How to Place an Order at MiniOlie

Hi, MiniOlie fans!

Welcome to Miniolie - A cute store for mini-humans with big dreams

Today we will show you around and illustrate how to place an order with us.

Let's get started!

Step 1: Pick Your Favorite

On the product page, after choosing the perfect color and size, please click "ADD TO CART" to add your cute pick to the shopping cart, or choose "Buy it now" to checkout. (If you choose "Buy it now", skip to Step 3)

Step 2: Confirm Your Shopping Cart

Confirm your items in the cart and click the "Check out" button to proceed.

Step 3: Adding Checkout Info

  • Contact Information & Shipping Address
    Now, you should add your contact information, including your email, name, correct shipping address, and phone number. Rest assured, your information is totally secure!

  • Confirm Shipping Fee
    You can enjoy free shipping on orders over USD $79. Otherwise, it costs USD $10.
    *Don't forget to add your coupon code if you got one. Click the "Apply" button to activate.

  • Choose Payment Method
         We accept both Credit Card and PayPal payments. Then click the "Complete Order" button to finish your order. 

Step 4: Payment Succeeds!

Congrats! Your order is paid successfully and we have received it!

We will deliver it very soon!

Where to Track Your Order

Method one
: You can copy the order number or tracking number and search it at the link below.
Click tracking link >>

Method two: Please log in at and go to "My Account".
Here you can see the status of your orders.
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us.